
What a day!

Phew!  What a day! Before I get started with my day, let me first announce the winner of the Sweatyband headband!  I was so happy to have so many entries for this particular giveaway!  It was a popular one and wish I had more to give away! chose Kim from Hungry Healthy Girl as the […]

Run Day!

Hello! Hope you are all having a great weekend!  I’m up bright and early to get ready for my 10k today.  No matter what type of run I’m doing, I always make sure to get up early enough to have a cup of coffee, or two 🙂  I always eat the same pre-run breakfast.  Toast […]

Three cool things

Hi! So I’ve got three cool things to share with you today.  When I saw cool I mean, really cool! First, you may have noticed a snazzy new button on the right side of my page that says “sweat pink.”  Well, a few weeks ago I was selected by Fit approach to be a sweat pink […]

Girls on the Run

Remember a few weeks back when I went and volunteered for the Girls on the Run kick off event? Well, I had such a great time and have been wanting to become more involved with the organization ever since.  So I looked into becoming a running coach this season.  Unfortunately, the teams meet two times a […]


Hi there! We had such a great day today over here.  I started the day off joining some of my Stroller Strides buddies for a charity 5k/12k run. I hadn’t been able to run that much for the past few weeks so I was a little worried about how I’d do.  Plus, I was feeling […]